If building green is your goal, it's important to ensure that the products you use are environmentally-friendly. SageGlass® is GreenSpec®-listed, which means Building Green, Inc., has designated it an environmentally preferable building product, and lists it in the GreenSpec® directory. Our products can also earn LEED credits for your projects in categories below. (Note that use of the SageGlass product is not a guarantee of getting the credit. The U.S. Green Building Council is the only organization with the authority to award credits for a project.)
............•EA Credit 1 - Optimize Energy Performance
............•EQ Credit 6 - Controllability of Systems
............•EQ Credit 7 - Thermal Comfort
............•EQ Credit 8 - Daylight and Views
According to Building Green, Inc., SageGlass products qualify for green status because they reduce heating and cooling loads, and they improve light quality.
SAGE is also a member of the U.S. Green Building Council.
More detailed information about SAGE's green attributes can be downloaded here 